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SEO and Social Media: Why Effective Internet Marketers Use Both

Social Media and SEO for Internet Marketing

There are many methods of marketing on the Internet. All of them have a certain degree of value, but this value is usually a function of the relevance of the situation, context and environment. Many businesses still fail to effectively incorporate Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with other online marketing strategies. As the Internet continues to grow in scope and complexity, SEO remains the most reliable method of ensuring that search engines can locate, read and distribute relevant content to your target audience.

Search Engine Optimization

This term refers to a broad set of activities that increase visibility online and drive traffic to a website. The website design, layout and content determine the ability of the search engine to read the page and assign a page ranking. To achieve visibility on the Internet, the search engines must be able to read the page according to a specific set of rules.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Social Media

Successful online marketing strategies incorporate social media with other techniques. Combining SEO with social media optimization is a particularly powerful strategy because it leverages the existing architecture of the Internet. Good keyword density and having social pages are positive attributes. Visibility on the Internet is a key to developing brand recognition, and business owners should consider this visibility as a kind of intangible asset.

When an advertisement appears on a webpage, the person who sees it may not immediately convert into a customer. However, an initial impression is created, and this can be developed by additional online social media management techniques. When a similar ad appears based on similar online search behavior, the potential customer is more likely to recognize the brand, and the association between the brand and the online activity is strengthened.

When this happens on a social media platform, the connection between the social activity and the product can be significant. Many advertisers believe that this strategy has a high impact because of the cumulative effect of brand exposure. The association created between the brand and the social interaction is significant enough to warrant investment. An example of this success is visible in a new generation of companies who address the concerns of their customers by producing fair-trade products and services.

They advertise a company process as much as the product because of new market demands. This provides a specific kind of value, and they know other companies are either unable or unwilling to compete with a process-driven ad campaign. For example, companies who advertise social benefits like paying a living wage to employees enjoy the most traction in this developing niche. This kind of ad grabs the attention of their customers and develops a very progressive style of brand loyalty. It can quickly go viral on social media because users want others to know about companies who are treating their workers fairly.

This particular strategy might not work equally well for every company, but it does demonstrate the powerful effect of developing an authentic connection with a loyal customer base. Marketing strategies should always be sensitive to social context. Social media can spread the message about the benefits of doing business with a particular type of organization, and leveraging this network has the potential to catapult visionary companies into a position of social leadership in an evolving online economy.

Pay Per Click Advertising and Online Marketing

Pay Per Click strategies receive mixed reviews from users. Some businesses find them extremely helpful, but others are less convinced of their efficacy in converting visitors into customers. Many online campaigns are also constrained to operate within a finite budget. Therefore, combining Pay Per Click advertising with other relevant online marketing strategies offers more long-term benefits than using PPC alone.