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Hiring Social Media Management Firm – Is it Best Practices?

Social Media IconsWith the release of Google’s latest update, Penguin, the rising significance of social media is being realized. Search algorithms appear to be increasing the weight of successful social media interaction in calculating search engine results. Businesses are taking notice of the importance of being engaged as a company online, but may question whether hiring a professional is necessary and best practices.

Most Businesses Give Social Media A Try Themselves At Some Point

Many business owners and employees are on social media personally and believe they can create and manage the social media platforms for their business themselves. However, there is a distinct difference in managing social media for a business than simply using it for personal engagement. Businesses participating in Facebook or Twitter have vastly diverse goals than an individual. Without the proper emphasize on social signal strategies for businesses, a company could end up joining the long list of companies with social media faux pas horror stories after passing the job off to an intern. But most businesses will give it a try themselves at some point before realizing they need to bring in a professional to map out their social media strategy and dedicate the proper time to engaging online successfully.

Social Media Is A Commitment, An Investment In Resources.

Social Media Management (SMM) requires an investment in time, resources and education. Any firm considering managing their social media in house must ask, “Do I have an available employee to dedicate to it?” and “Do we have the internal expertise to do it ourselves?” In truth, the cost of hiring a professional social media consultant or agency to manage the social presence of the company is less than the cost of traditional marking. Hiring an outside SMM firm will save the business time and energy to focus on performing the actual business of the company.

If you have a firm already managing your web design and SEO strategy, it would be beneficial and a natural fit to integrate your social media optimization into the package. Your SEO firm must stay abreast of the constant evolution of Search Engine Optimization, which requires more social media engagement to achieve successful search engine results.

A social media agency maintains a wealth of professional knowledge and experience in building and maintaining social media accounts for business clients. Outsourcing your social media marketing allows the business to maintain control of the “voice” of the company while reaping the benefits of the professional knowledge base and experience online.

Lisa Jones