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Google in an Instant

Google has yet again changed the world of search for internet users. The roll-out of “Google Instant” officially occurred two weeks ago and the first sets of “search related” data is here! Has it altered my search engine optimization techniques? Not yet, but WOW – I sure am watching it.

The reason I never really cared for Bing as a search engine was that I don’t really want a computer trying to figure out what I’m looking for. If you’ve never tried Bing before, try it. As you type a word into the search bar, it immediately starts guessing at what you are searching and presenting it via drop-down menu. Example: You are looking for a Mexican restaurant in Stafford, Texas, and you type in the bar:   mex  . Before you finish spelling Mexican,  the search engine is throwing up Mexico, Mexico City, and other cities and states in Mexico. THAT’S NOT WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR. This is considered “instant search.” The SE’s (search engines) think they know what I’m looking for……………well, they just may be wrong.

Now, more than ever, is the time to make sure you website design is correct (all over) because those sites that were organically ranking in the top 8 or so because of age of url, or absolutely specific geographical keywords, may get lost in all the shuffle.  I’ve already started moving things around for my current clients. And that’s what I do for a job – I have the time. Do you have time to do that for your business? Probably not.

Call us at Bizopia, Houston Website Design & Search Engine Optimization company,  today – 832.327.3220 and let’s talk web design and SEO strategies. You should make this a priority because of the constantly changing arena of search engines. Can you really afford to sit and let everyone else make their move? Think about it.