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SEO Gangnam Style

SEO Gangnam

The latest viral video craze on the Internet, with more than 500 million views, is Gangnam Style by Korean artist Psy.  What makes it so incredibly popular?  Is it the quirky dance, the techno beat, or the over the top style of the video? As a Houston small business, would you love even a fraction of their half a billion views for your video or website? With internet video marketing, you can get there.

If so, do SEO Gangnam Style!  By utilizing video SEO, you can direct massive amounts of organic traffic to your small business site. YouTube is the second largest search engine behind only their parent company, Google, and internet sites with video consistently have higher SERP (Search Engine Result Pages). As the third most visited site on the internet and with more than 14 billion video views a month, the popularity and power of YouTube is only increasing.  This growing size and importance of YouTube has made internet video marketing a necessary SEO strategy for Houston small business.

People love videos because they provide entertainment, pizzazz, and a bit of excitement. When visiting a web page, a well-placed video will grab attention unlike most text.  A well-produced video can inform a potential customer about what you do in a shorter amount of time than paragraphs and paragraphs of text on the page.  And, people remember what they watch 3x better than what they read.

Your small business video must be well placed, well produced and represent your business message to be credible.  It should define and represent your business style and business personality.  Some choose to make their video quirky or funny, but most are simply straightforward.   No matter what you put in the video, it must represent your brand and relay your message to potential customers.

We know that search engine companies like Google are placing increasing importance on social signals for rankings and video is integral for successful social media.  People watch and share video with friends via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest faster and easier than ever before.  Placing a video on your business site, adds another building block to your Search Engine Optimization strategy. The size of YouTube and importance of social media make video SEO a necessary technique in the SEO arsenal of any Houston small business.

Bizopia, the solution for Houston Search Engine Optimization, offers a premium video SEO package to make your Houston business stand out in the crowd.

Lisa Jones