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Does Your Business Need a Website Design Or Is Social Media Enough?

Houston Website DesignIs a Houston website design for your business still worth it when social media marketing seems to attract all the attention? Business owners have limited time. If social media marketing works so well, why worry about a website, too?

A study conducted in 2018 found that a third of small businesses do not have a website. Nearly one-quarter of business owner respondents without websites believed spending time on social media gave them all of the exposure and advantages their businesses need in the online world.

But, is social media enough? If you do not have a website, are you missing opportunities? Take a look at the facts.

A Website Lends Business Legitimacy

The simple truth is that people expect a legitimate business to have a website. A business without a website raises doubts in the minds of potential customers. Is it real? Is the business behind the times? Is it a startup on shaky ground?

A website lends a genuine vibe to your business that a Houston social media marketing presence alone does not.

Internet Search is the Modern Yellow Pages

People use their computers and smartphones to find businesses and read reviews. A business without a website has zero chance of coming up on a search engine results page. Your competitors’ websites will be there, though.

Internet searches are the modern Yellow Pages. You have to have a website to show up.

Social Media Marketing Is Only Part of the Story

A truly successful online presence is a multilayered process. One segment builds on another to form a cohesive marketing strategy. The foundation of all of these processes is an effective Houston website design.

Your business website not only lends legitimacy, but it also gives you a foundation to publish content, inform, add details and is the basis for each marketing channel. From social media to Houston SEO, your website is the core.

An Outdated Website Is Not an Effective Website

If your business has a website, but it has not been updated, you have a different problem. Changing Google algorithms and the use of smartphones means old designs no longer perform.

Google penalizes websites that do not work on mobile devices. Outdated contact information and designs damage your credibility as well. Take a look at your current site. Ask yourself if it meets the demands of online users accessing your site on tablets and smartphones. If not, it is time for an upgrade.

Business Websites Make Bottom Line Sense

A Houston website design is a cost-effective tool that delivers in so many ways. It solidifies your reputation, it provides a solid foundation on which to build marketing strategies, and it gives you a clear advantage over competitors who do not have websites or do not utilize them effectively.

If you are ready to take your website to the next level, give the experts at Bizopia a call at 832-327-3230.