So you want your company to be found online? To rank on the first pages on major search engines (Google, Yahoo!, and Bing), consider adding a seasoned professional, search engine optimization company. Any company, large or small, with a website, needs a dedicated search engine optimization team member with the goal of getting your company found on the major SERPs. Regularly we like to share SEO company tips with our followers…just enough to wet your whistle.
What’s a SERP? SERP represents “search engine results pages.” The page a searcher lands on after searching something on a search bar or search engine directly. Wants to be on the first page of each search engine’s SERP. Is there a quick fix? No. Are there any guarantees? NO.
While everyone dreams of being on the first page of the SERPs, it can be a challenge for any business owner or staff member to take the time to learn what the professional search optimizers already know to stay on top of. Since Google constantly changes its “ranking algorithm,” this task has only gotten more time consuming through the years. Ineffective SEO can do more harm than good to online reputations, so hiring a great SEO company should be top on your list of things to do to enhance your online presence.
Need more convincing on why you should hire a professional SEO company for your business?
1: Just like you are an expert in your industry, we are experts in our industry.
Attempting to do your own SEO because you read one article makes no sense. By hiring an online marketing company that specializes in SEO, you can now do you what you do best and that’s being the expert in your industry. According to the Content Marketing Institute, a majority of companies that engage and employ a professional SEO firm tasks to professionals to save time that could be spent on other issues.
2: It’s great to have a dedicated SEO person on your team.
Any good SEO professional has their own set of best practices for optimizing your website and online marketing campaigns. No two companies do it the same. After choosing a SEO company, they will more than likely analyze your website and perform keyword research that reveals what words and phrases your searchers as well as your competitors are using to drive traffic to their sites. Research on what your competitors are doing to learn what works for them will shed some light on what type of content your website should provide searchers, and create the necessary strategies necessary for online marketing strategies specific to your company.
3: SEO Companies Keeps up with Changes in the Search Engines.
According to, Google changes its search algorithms multiple times a day. These constant changes make it next to impossible for an employee that likes to “play with websites” to stay on top of what is necessary for proper SEO strategies, while fulfilling their “real” job. When you hire an SEO expert, it’s their business to adapt and update your website to any and all algorithmic changes that Google deems necessary.
4: Avoid Costly Mistakes by hiring a SEO professional.
If you don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll end up throwing tie and money away trying to do it yourself or using an in-house designee for SEO. SEO is not a cost-effective process unless it’s consistently measured. An SEO professional treats every keyword agreed upon as a specific task, optimizing each page for potential and current customers. When you hire an SEO expert, your online reputation will appear natural to the search engines.
4.5: Time is Money.
“Time is money” is such an overused cliché, but in this case, it’s so true. Lose a quotation mark in code here or there, and consider it just a“little” error and you could cause what seems like irrevocable damage to your online reputation in the eyes of the major search engines immediately. Use too many characters in meta-tags or not enough content on your pages, and you could find yourself in the “sandbox” playing with all the other companies that aren’t getting found.
SEO mistakes can cause Google to blacklist or penalize your website! Simple mistakes like “keyword stuffing” or “meta-information” issues can have serious ill-effects on websites. Consequences can lead to a decrease in search traffic. Think of all that a simple drop in site visits can affect. Sales. Foot traffic. Followers. And all through all of this, without proper monitoring, you might not even know traffic to your site has dropped as you might only notice a drop in sales.
Unless you’re an expert with many years of research and experience under your belt, you should consider hiring an effective SEO professional can help you properly manage your online reputation through search engine optimization and other online marketing strategies.