The question is not whether or not to participate in Houston social media marketing. Your business probably already has a Facebook and Twitter account where you engage with customers. The real question about using Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms is whether or not incorporating a plan to reach your target audience should be part of your overall SEO and marketing strategy.
Is Any Audience a Target Audience?
Successful marketing strategies, including direct mail and television advertising, target the people most likely to purchase specific services or products and creating campaigns that speak to their needs. Sending mass mailings or advertising on networks that do not meet the target customer criteria is a waste of precious advertising dollars.
The same is true online as you engage with current customers and grow your brand’s reach. Not every person who has a Facebook account wants or needs your product but targeting your most likely buyer has to be part of an effective Houston SEO effort.
The Benefits of Targeting
What benefits does targeting your audience bring? When you know the age, location, whether or not there are children in the house, whether or not they own a business, the hobbies they enjoy and any number of other details about your most likely buyer, you have insight into creating a marketing campaign that speaks directly to them.
People respond to Houston social media marketing messages tailored to appeal to their interests and concerns.
Why Social Media Marketing Works
Social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, give users the opportunity to learn about what your business does. Users want to know about the humans behind the facade and that a business is legitimate before they make purchases.
As your business gains followers and you interact with them, whether you answer a question about your product, handle a customer service inquiry or post relevant information, potential customers closely observe the exchanges and form an opinion about your business.
What Social Media Marketing is Not
The tricky part about marketing on social media, however, is that it is not the place for high-pressure sales tactics. Instead, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other platforms serve to increase brand recognition, attract new connections, solidify your place as an expert and directly engage with customers.
Most platforms offer ad creation opportunities for direct sales pitches. On the other hand, the purpose of your social media messages and interactions is to build a growing community, broaden your company’s reach, attract a group of qualified leads and lay a foundation for sales through your website or paid ads.
Where is Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Headed?
A successful social media marketing plan means incorporating strategies that support and build on each step to effectively reach your advertising goals. If you are ready to take your online social media marketing to the next level, give the Houston website design and marketing experts at Bizopia a call at 832-327-3230.